Thursday, May 9, 2013

Color Change Products (clothes, nail polish, bracelets, beads, etc) by SolarActive

Color change this year adds a new dimension to what color is.  Color this year is bright and bold.  Color change this year adds a new dimension to what color is.  SolarActive® color change is great for uv awareness products, and at the same time the color change will bring smiles to your family and friends.  When they notice the color change, it becomes a tool for teaching everyone that there are UV rays present.  If the color change is not showing that must mean its night time, or you're not exposed to the harmful rays of the sun.  Sun Awareness with color change is becoming more and more prevalent with our younger society. SolarActive® offers many products that are great educational tools for sun awareness.

Have some fun with color change with your beauty routines, and clothing.  Ruby Wing color change nail polish will teach uv awareness each and every day just by stepping outdoors.  Ruby Wing is 32 beautiful bold bright colors of polish that are one color indoors, and change color as soon as you step outdoors.  Color Change clothes will not only delight you when you see the magic, it will bring a smile to everyone around you.

For corporate and family events and basically for your event to be remembered long after the event is over, giveaways can easily include color change products from SolarActive®.  Shoe laces, uv beads, sun awareness bracelets, clothes that change colors, and nail polish are just a few of the color change products available.  Custom clothes and tee shirts with SolarActive® technology is perfect for those occasions when you want something new and that will bring a smile and attention to what you're wearing.

For more information on SolarActive®color change products, Ruby Wing nail polish and Uv beads, clothing and more,

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